Why Do Math:

People Involved

Project Co-Directors

Marty Golubitsky Hinke Osinga

Marty Golubitsky,
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
Ohio State University

Hinke Osinga
University of Bristol


Katherine Socha

Katherine Socha, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Steering Committee

Chris Budd John Burns Peter Turner

Chris Budd
Royal Institution of
Great Britain

John Burns
Virginia Tech

Peter Turner
Clarkson University


Technical Committee/SIAM Team

James Crowley David Marshall Donna Witzleben Michelle Montgomery

James Crowley, Executive Director

David Marshall, Publisher

Donna Witzleben, Production Manager

Michelle Montgomery, Director, Marketing and Sales

Heather Blythe James Haines Justin Courts

Heather Blythe, Senior Publications Coordinator

James Haines, Online Content Coordinator

Justin Courts, Programmer